Cross-eye Stereoscopy

Cross-eyed stereoscopic imagery is the simplest technique to experience the esthetic of the spatial perception.

Original portrait stylized as an op-art pastiche, was a birthday gift for the friend. A year later, when I’ve started some experiments with FB 3D, I have created the Depth Map for a quite successful rendering of 3D portrait, that can be seen on FB, as long as it is supported there.

The same depth map is used here to make the paralax displacement for all those stereoscopic twin images intended as a cross-eye work.

sample image

Above presented is the set of images, kind of work in progress, (the development for the next time ;)). I like to make some examination of fusion of colors and shape-background-noise for the imagery perception.

3D model for a depth map rendering

The 3D model is created using camera projection, subsequently it is rendered by the same camera as a Z-depth pass. The next adjustment is done with masks correcting details for the foreground, and middle-ground layers. Depth map is applied as a displacement map.

sample image