
The technical conditions and requirements have always been a feature that I research to be in control, to understand, and to challenge the limitations in undertaken projects, to exceed the boundaries of tools, technological solutions, and known standards.

The poster design accepted to be printed and placed on the facade of the headquarters of the ordering company was 9 times larger in pixels than the resolution of the camera I had (in that time) to make a photo session for use in a marketing campaign.

sample image

I wouldn’t put together a nine-frame image of a climber, but taking four frames was feasible. The resolution of the edited image was not as high as recommended for this format printing, yet still, the lack of the nominal resolution was imperceptible.

Placing the prosthesis, suggesting the possibility of regaining physical fitness at the level of competitive sport, was an original idea at that time.

The slogan of the advertising campaign was: You can achieve a lot, we are here to help!

sample image

The preliminary projects covered many types of physical activity that patients could undertake with advanced activity-specific prostheses for sports and recreation.