Pharmaceutical editorial materials

The set of current ads and infomercials prepared for print by any publisher indicated by the customer, for various media, in various formats. As an art director, I have tailored these ads to the specifications of the publishers selected by the marketing department of the pharmaceutical companies.

Each of the industry publishing houses provides its specifications, regarding options of sizes, file formats, and color profiles. Publishers have accepted digital files or diapositives. Matchprint or Chromalin proof was mandatory for any kind of delivered files.

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The main task is to adjust the layout of the ad’s elements to the variable surfaces offered in a given journal. The proposed variants of the layouts must be next to perfect to minimize the process of the approval for printing. Sometimes a compilation of several products is required. Sometimes the bold, new propositions are needed when the event demands guaranteed noticeable exposure.

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In addition to the high standard of graphic compositions, flawless technical performance is a feature of these materials, which must bring a guaranteed outcome, regardless of the actual technical advancement of the publishing houses, with no supervising contact made except for the transfer of files and proofs.

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